Familiar Creatures

CarLotz Quirky Ad Shows How Customers Can "Have it Both Ways"


THE DRUM |  April 29, 2020




Virginia-based used car retailer CarLotz features a couple of quirky characters that can 'have it both ways' in a campaign that features a dog that drools lavender oil and a baby who cries soothing smooth jazz.

The campaign, by Familiar Creatures, centers on people who are getting the best of both worlds. In ‘Essential Drool,’ a woman collects the drool from her bulldog and says that it can be bottled and diffused like fresh lavender scent. Another woman revels in the fact that her baby is both cute and when it cries, it sounds like a smooth jazz combo.

Used car buyers and sellers historically have had two choices: choose between the more lucrative yet dicey world of online classifieds, or the more reliable, yet questionable, savings of a dealership. The campaign shows that CarLotz is different.

“CarLotz has a unique consignment model that lets buyers and sellers have it both ways: the savings and profits of a private sale with the convenience and amenities of a dealership,” said Mike Bor, chief executive officer and co-founder of CarLotz. “This business model and brand promise come to life humorously and persuasively in our new campaign.”

The two commercials will run in CarLotz’s latest expansion markets of Chicago, San Antonio and Tampa.

“We have a great but multi-faceted business model. Our creative agency, Familiar Creatures, did a fantastic job translating it in a concise and compelling way. The ad campaign, along with our new logo, speaks perfectly to the company’s personality and value proposition. Plus, I wish my dog drooled essential oils,” said Elizabeth Maksim, director of branding at CarLotz.

Executions will also include radio, print, display and billboards.

“When we won CarLotz in February, we couldn’t wait to tell the world about their business model. As a challenger brand, they really brought in to doing some pretty unconventional creative,” added Steph Shaw, head of accounts at Familiar Creatures.

The work launches the end of this month and will run throughout the next year.

Read the full article on The Drum.


CarLotz: Soft Jazz Baby and Essential Drool by Familiar Creatures