Devils Backbone
"Slow by Nature"

Launching a 10 year-old craft brewery's first integrated campaign.

The Blue Ridge mountains look cool on a beer label, but how do you make a brand out of that?


We came up with three words to define an entire brewing company:
Slow by Nature.

Slow: because they mostly brewed lagers, and those take longer to make. Plus they’re all about simple pleasures, and encouraging us to take a break from the busy-ness of life.

By Nature: because they are literally right off the Appalachian Trail. Taken together, Slow by Nature says a lot about their brand and what they stand for.



With the strategy in place, it was time to start making:

Tons of social and OTT videos that redefined modern concepts in "Slow by Nature" terms.



In-store coasters and swag that physically forced people to slow down, including a sleeping bag for your phone (made by Koozie!).


Slow by Nature

Slow Down Coasters

Slow by Nature

"Snoozie Koozie" Phone Sleeping Bag


And an augmented reality app that brought our packaging to life when you held your phone up to it.



A year after campaign launch, the only thing not "slow" were sales—Virginia sales were up 23% and overall sales were up 12%.