Familiar Creatures

Mercy College
"Quiet" TV

Using sound design to show how the pandemic affected NYC.


Covid ads. They're all the same.


If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. There’s platitudes about how “we’re all in this together.” Or how, "Now more than ever…” things are somehow different.

Well, when you’re a college dealing with a drop in enrollment, you can’t afford to play it safe with empty sentiments. You have to do something that quickly gets and holds people’s attention. Something that inspires, yes, but also gets them to act.



Given that challenge, and the need to get something on air quickly, we created something a little different for Mercy. We wrote, edited and animated a :30 broadcast spot that relied on type and NY-centric sound design (Thanks again Overcoast). That’s it. No actors, no voiceover, no footage.

Mercy College liked the result so much, they fought to run it during the incredibly popular and highly-rated Last Dance Documentary about Michael Jordan. (Insert slam dunk pun here)